Internal Amplifi Survey

The following survey is by design intended to be completed in less than 20 minutes. To that end input sought is on the level of “blink” or “off the top of your head”. You are most welcome to take more time should you think reflection will better suit you in providing your input.

A key objective is to develop an assessment of current perspective of Amplifi Sales & Delivery on the topic of strategy services. As it is a survey, there are no right or wrong answers – only your responses.

Completion of the survey will support the shared objectives of collaboration in the development of strategy services offerings, as well as efficient time utilization. To that end request you complete the survey in advance of our scheduled 1-2-1 session.

I am available should you have any questions – whether on the survey or anything else related to strategy services.

Thank you in advance, and I look forward to our dedicated time,
